Report Writing

The quality of written material that leaves your office reflects the importance you place on your reader. How much business and respect is lost through inattention to the accuracy, brevity and clarity of a writer will never be known.

Everyone wants short, punchy memos and reports to read. Most of us, however, are prisoners to the notion: ‘a simple style reflects a simple mind’, when quite the reverse is true.

This course aims to help delegates develop their skills in writing clear, concise and well structured reports and proposals.

Discussion, practical exercises and individual  feedback will be used. Participants  can bring samples of their work with them for analysis and re-writing where applicable.

By the end, participants will be able to:

  • keep their writing focused on their objectives
  • choose the style, format and tone that fit
  • write persuasively to get results
  • avoid classic mistakes that are common place
  • write in a clear, simple and accurate way
  • edit their own work professionally
  • save time through organising thoughts quickly